Funny Things

Kara catching snowflakes on her tongue on Friday.

Kara's funny 4 year old way of talking cracks me up. You know I'm working on Kara correcting people on things. She's a smarty pants like her father and genuinely wants people to say things the right way, but smarty pants goes to smart alec in about two seconds. The other day she told Michael, "I'm not correcting you, I'm just helping you say it the right way."

Today I said I could see the glitter dancing in the cool night light she has now, and she said, "Actually, it's called floating, but you can call it dancing if you want to. Now that's nicer than correcting." Lol!!!

The boy in her class that is in LOVE with her tells her so all the time and always has hugs for her. He also fights with the other boys to be the one to sit next to her at circle time, but he doesn't always win. Well, when I picked her up yesterday he kissed her - on the cheek. In the car I asked her why he did that and she shrugged and said tiredly, "because he loves me." I laughed so hard. I said, are you his friend, is he nice? She said, "I don't know if I'm going to be his friend or not." I said, why, don't you like him? She said, "No, it's because I don't know who I'm going to marry yet."

While watching the Little Mermaid, she said, "The sea witch is so pretty. How can she be mean?" I asked her why she thought she was pretty, and she said "because of her pretty makeup and because the octopus is my favorite sea creature." It was a good occasion to talk about pretty people not always being nice and non-pretty people not always being mean.

Something that was only funny because it came out of a little four year old's mouth was when I told her we were going to the movies with her friend Emily, but Emily's little sister had to stay home because she's just a baby. She said, "Yeah, she can't come because she would disturb everyone." Her vocabulary is just growing and growing and she's saying funny things like disturb, hilarious, immediately, sea creature etc. Big words for a four year old, and she uses them correctly. That only makes it cuter!


Elisabeth said…
where is the like button on here?!
Vicky said…
LOL, Liz! But, I chuckled all the way through, too! Yeah! She is DEFINITELY her father's daughter! :D