Such a Great Day

Unfortunately, my good day started off with a horrible tummy ache. The same way my evening ended last night. I got myself under control and headed out for a great day:

* I scanned the checks people tithed at church yesterday. ALWAYS fun. I adore it and can't wait for it to be Monday so I can do it again. Yes, I'm a nerd.
* I went straight to Merideth's house to bring her two more plates of cookies. While I was there I just had to hold that teeny baby for a good hour or so!
* After picking Kara up from school we went to the Annapolis Mall to have lunch with Lara and Emily. Chick-Fil-A, my favorite restaurant. Thank goodness my tummy is better!
* Then Emily and Kara played at the mall while Lara and I caught up. I just can't get enough of that woman.
* Then Lara and I took Emily and Kara to see Tangled. Emily's first movie and they both did really well. It was so cute.
* Afterwards, we exchanged Christmas presents and what we bought was a total hit. Our presents TOTALLY rocked too.
* When we got home, I made dinner and my parents stayed over. Always fun.
* Doing a few chores and paying some bills. Checked online and saw Michael is getting paid for his new job and the last few checks from his old job at the same time. Jackpot.

Yeah, a really awesome day.


Vicky said…
Hi my Sweets!
Sorry I didn't get to call tonight. My phone died at Liz's and I forgot my charger, for one thing. For another, we were with Tim's mom in KY when I normally would have been calling!
The tummy ache thing is going around. I have had it off and on for 3 or 4 days. Hannah and Ryan were up all night last night throwing up. Hannah more than Ryan, but Liz finally moved them to the living room and slept out there with them with trash cans. YUCK for them. Hannah had dark circles under her eyes this morning and was very pale! Ryan didn't look so bad. Poor little girl! I just hope it is nothing that Tim and I are taking home with us and passing along to his parents! YIKES! Say a prayer for us!
Anyway, sorry for the missed opportunity to talk to my sweet Kara Bear tonight! Hugs and kisses to all of you!
Love you,
jessicaday said…
Not a problem! Kara didn't even bring it up. She's been acting weird and not eating much. Hopefully her tummy is okay.
Yeah, my stomach is much better, but it was rough for a while there. At least it cleared up in time for a great day! :-)