Quick overview

So, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to type. So, here's a quick overview of my day.

* Overslept and showered in like 7 minutes and brought my makeup with me. Blew my nose every 5 minutes for the first two hours I was awake.
* Dropped Kara off at school.
* Thursday play date with my friends (yes, I go without Kara because she is in school. it is totally my play date and I love it.) :-)
* Picked Kara up at school.
* Went to my sister's house for lunch and to work with her. She needed help setting up a database and I worked for a few hours. It's been years since I've worked with databases and I really missed it. It was a blast and I can't wait to work on it some more on Monday! If you think about it, databases are just a way of organizing data. So awesome.
* Kara was an absolute angel while we were working.
* Came home at 4 and decided not to cook, so we went out to dinner to Chevys. Since my mom just came home today, we went out with my parents.
* Gave Kara a bath at Grandma's house so she could just have a few more minutes with her.
* Worked on bills and balancing check book.
* Now I'm staying up a bit late watching tv.

Happy Thursday everyone!
