RIP Jerry the gerbil

Kara's sweet little gerbil died today. She was at my mom's house and fortunately Michael noticed so we could dispose of the body before she had to see him like that. I was almost crying on the way to pick Kara up because I was nervous this would just ruin her day. So I knelt down to look her in the eyes and said, I have something sad to tell you. Jerry is in heaven now. He died. Then I paused to let it sink in. Then I said, that means we can get a new one! And she shrieked with joy and said I want to name him Max!! She can't wait to get another one tomorrow and she didn't cry at all. About an hour later she had a few questions like what did he look like when he was dead and did we give him away. I told her Daddy got rid of him for us and she said, oh, did you throw him away in the dump? Whew! She did really well and is so excited about Max.


Vicky said…
I like the name, Max! I'm glad she did well with the news!