Monday Fun

Today is Columbus Day.  I can think of a lot more historical figures that deserve celebrating over Mr. Christopher, but what are you going to do.  Having a day off in October is nice.

Except, my life is extraordinary, so I don't get today off.  :-)  First I put a pot roast in the crock pot.

Then I went to work at the church to deposit the tithe and run reports.  I also did some work for the preschool depositing tuition.

After running everything to the bank, I coupon shopped at CVS.

Next I needed to grocery shop at Walmart.  Boy oh boy do I hate Walmart.  I'd prefer to go to ALDI, but ALDI doesn't have some of the name brand things I needed this week.  Of course I really love going to Publix, but the prices are out of sight.  I'm going to work on coupon shopping at Publix soon so I can still go there.

After putting all of that away, I entered some timesheet info for the church's preschool on my laptop at home.

Then I put together that post for my coupon blog and this post.  Still to come - pot roast, mashed potatoes, Ba'corn, and crescent rolls.

It's 3:30 and now I have about an hour and a half to chill before I start dinner.  I think I'll do laundry.

I hope you're having a nice holiday too!
