It's hard to admit you're only human

It's flu season and I think that just may be what I have right now.

Usually being sick stresses me out because I feel like I don't have time to be sick.  I feel guilty for asking others for help (doing what I can't - shopping, cooking, dishes, work at church).  I want to be super woman and I want to do it all and never be sick.

But I'm in therapy right now.

And my medicine was fixed.

So, while I feel yucky and my joints are killing me, I am resting in bed, guilt free.  Life happens, I'm human after all (shock), and my daughter is watching.  So, I am taking care of myself, asking Michael to run to the store for milk, not going to work at church, and Kara is doing dishes and helping "cook."  I also moved into the guest room, so I can cough and hack all night without disturbing Michael.  Since I'm not sleeping well, I can eat, take meds, maneuver the heating pad, etc. in the middle of the night without disturbing him either.

It is what it is, folks!

P.S.  To all my people who have chronic joint pain, I don't know how you do it.  I am down for the count!  And it isn't even as intense as you deal with!  I am treating it like fasting - when I feel the pain, I pray for you.


Vicky said…
Hope you feel better soon, sweetie!