Early October 2018

I sent this to Kara:

This is so HER!!  She is alert, focused, and eager to learn.  So, night school is still going well.

Y'all.  It's still hot.  Like 90 with an even hotter heat index.  It's usually a little nicer this time of year. I think we still have a week or so of this crazy heat.

These kitties are the sweetest ever.  What did we do before cats??

Brisket was on the menu Monday night.  I know the best way to cook brisket is in a smoker, but I don't have a smoker, so I cook it low and slow.  It was super tender, juicy, fell apart, and a little liquid smoke helped it taste smokey.

Michael loves brisket - he orders it in restaurants all the time.  Now I use it to make tacos, quesadillas, and all kinds of yummy things.  Of course, the night I make a whole bunch, we just have it with mashed potatoes.

Look closely at this blanket.  Can you see Shiloh likes to sleep with her feet sticking out, just like Kara?  lol.  So cute.

I hope your October is going as well as mine.
