My Favorite 2017 Things

Today is the last day of 2017 and I thought I'd list just a few of my favorite things.  I tried to make it specific to this year, but these things are kind of always my favorite.  (God as a favorite thing, Michael and Kara as my favorite things, are all given.)


The older I get the more I realize just how precious friends like these are.  Unconditional love is a rare gift.


This year we lost Tim, and that was so horrible I can't even talk about it.  But, I these people in all three pictures are amazing.  They are the support system I lean on and the people who make me, me.


You may not be a cat person and you may be rolling your eyes at me right now, but there is something about having a pet.  They are sweet and loving and cute.  And petting them literally reduces stress.


It's no secret that we think homeschooling is the best ever.  It isn't for everyone, but boy is it for us!


I absolutely love my life here.  From our community and church, to the weather, to the view, to the politics, to how unpopulated it is.  I love the life we have made here, and if it never changed at all, that'd be just fine with me.

For me, 2017 was a year of trying to slow down.  Things got real and life was put into perspective.  I am trying to make my world a little smaller, my circle of friends a little smaller, and take time to smell the roses.  I have one life to live and I am trying not to rush through it.  I am making relationships more of a priority.  I am thinking more about when I am old and gray, what will I see when I look back on my life?  I pray I see God's providential hand, as well as loving people well, which is what we are called to do.

Here's to the last few hours of 2017 and the fresh start of 2018.
