
I'm learning I'm not the only one who feels like this after Christmas.  There is even an expression for it - Holiday Hangover.  After traveling and not sleeping in my own bed and entertaining, I am wiped out.  I feel really run down and am trying to enjoy the quiet, down time.  I'm a girl who likes structure!

Here is a link to my latest coupon attempt.  Without a huge stockpile yet, I needed some regular groceries, including meat, and didn't do so fabulously.  S'okay.  I think I'm still spending less than before, which is good.  :-)

Kara is an amazing trainer of our kitties!  They are so cute.

Tony came to town for a few days for their new house's inspection.

We had fun while he was here.  He has been so busy with house stuff and we were so busy with Christmas stuff, that we all just enjoyed lighting a fire and relaxing in the living room.

Kara wanted to do the coke/mentos experiment, but it bombed.  Next time Uncle Tony comes, we will take it up a notch and get some results!

Now I am resting until Alabama plays in the playoffs Monday.

Happy New Year to you.  :-)
