Coupons, cooking, and grammar

So, first of all, I went to CVS and to Publix and got all of this for $84.76.  Not too shabby considering it originally cost $287.81!

Read here how I did it.  I am so glad I went!  I missed it so much.  I hope I can stick with it.  Time to set up a new stockpile.  :-)

Second of all, the Olive Garden copycat soup was a huge hit.  Kara even liked it.  And had seconds for lunch today.  Wow.  Here is the list of ingredients again:

Third of all, we are done with grammar.  Kara has done a full year of grammar every year in school and knows the parts of speech like the back of her hand.  She knows how to diagram every sentence possible.  She has for at least a year now.  So, I decided this would be the last year we did formal grammar in school.  (From now on we will focus on writing.)  After Kara took her test today, we have completed all the parts of speech and the last few chapters in her grammar book were things we've done every year and I don't feel she needs more of - writing formal letters, sentence structure, and improving your writing style.  Command decision by teacher mom:  we are done.  I am very proud of her.

And she is THRILLED.  :-)
