More Things I Love

Here is a different kind of list of my favorite things in 2017.

1.  These colorful pens.

You can buy them here.  Keeping everything organized for homeschool, including lesson plans, takes a lot of work.  I absolutely love these pens - they are fun and triangular (so they are comfy) and they write smoothly.  I do A LOT of writing.  I first found these on clearance in Target, but Kara and I loved them so much, I bought a pack for Kara and a second pack for me!

2.  Prepping food for dinners.

I shred my own cheddar cheese and freeze it.  (Pre shredded cheese has preservatives and stuff in it and just doesn't melt like the original stuff.  I shred a giant gallon sized bag at a time, so only once a month or so.)  I freeze uncooked bacon one slice at a time, separated by wax paper so I can pull a few slices out whenever I want.  I freeze chopped green onions and plain onions.  Again, I chop 6 lbs of onions at a time (which fit into two gallon sized bags) and that lasts me a long time.  I like to cook all the chicken I'll need for the week the first day I need it so whatever I cook later in the week doesn't require me to defrost and cook the chicken - plus I don't need to wash the pan for that.  The picture above is what I put on top of pillsbury pizza crust (with ranch dressing) for one of my favorite meals.

3.  Ordering stuff online.

I always need stuff that I can't necessarily just run out and pick up.  Amazon has everything I need and I can compare prices easily.  I can buy batteries, cat food, Bible study, and curriculum, all from the comfort of my own laptop.  There is something to say for not spending money on gas and taking the time to shop around in stores to find these things.

4.  Curling creme

You can buy it here.  I found this specific brand at the Sally's here in town while it was B2G1 free.  I won't use anything else again!  It has everything I need:  it encourages my curls to be curlier, it doesn't look crunchy, it doesn't feel sticky (which matters to me since I am a hair twirler), and it smells really good.  This is the miracle cure for my curls.

5.  Netflix

I am so done with tv.  I am canceling cable right after football season.  Netflix is all I need!  Between the good movies and the awesome tv shows, I just don't need anything else.


Vicky said…
I would like to try some of your noodle head stuff while I'm with you later this month, if you don't mind!
jeday0323 said…
I'd be happy to share with you! It is GOOD stuff.