Day of Work

There's nothing like ants in the kitchen that inspires a big cleaning day.  Fortunately the professionals came right away and took care of the problem, but all of the time I spent looking for ants in the nooks and crannies of my kitchen made me realize I need to clean!  So, today was the day.

These lights needed some attention.  You can see the clean one on the left and the dirty one on the right.

Dirty.  Ew.

Sparkling clean!

I cleaned the cabinets above the stove just last month, but I read an article that said "your guests are grossed out by your greasy cabinets" and it made me a little insecure.  So, I cleaned them one more time and now they shine bright white.

The rest was the insert for the shaker style cabinets and all the corners on the floor where roomba can't reach.





I also cleaned all of my appliances.  I am supposed to use olive oil to make them shine and get rid of the last of the finger prints, but this looks so good and I'm tired, so this is good.  :-)

My kitchen looks like brand new again and I am so happy.

But, my work doesn't stop there.  It was a good day to change our sheets and run three loads of laundry.  I also decided to rearrange our desks again.

Our desks were facing each other, which I loved, but when we needed to pass something to each other, we couldn't reach.  So, I am going to try this L-shape for a while.

Still to do today:  find a way out of cooking dinner and work on this week's lesson plans.

To do tomorrow:  work on payroll, then take a day of rest!

I had fun at Publix yesterday!  Read how I did here.
