White Fang Essay

Kara loved reading White Fang by Jack London so much that she said she didn't consider it to be a school book.  It was a fun book.

I asked her to write a different kind of essay this time - I wanted her to focus on the setting.  Just a paragraph.  I think she did a pretty good job, considering I didn't give her any more direction than that.

   During the early majority of the book, the story unfolded itself in the Northland. The cold weather was a challenge for White Fang, as was the large amount of sled dogs owned by the humans that White Fang grew up near. The cold from the thick layer of snow, however, failed to penetrate his thick, gray fur.
    For the last few chapters, he'd moved with his master to the Southland. He had difficulty adjusting to the warmer weather, since his fur was thick to help with and he was used to much lower temperatures. However, his will to survive dominated his surroundings, bitterly cold or unforgivingly hot.
