School Visitor

Michael was off work Monday, but we still had school.  I invited him to join our Algebra class.

We're really working now.  Time to take off the hoodie.

He can't help but teach a little too.  Math is the best!  He has a quick method to double check factoring polynomials.

Kara is using his method to double check

The full moon rose over the mountain so beautifully over the last few days.  I WILL get a good picture.  These are the best I've taken so far.

This is actually a good one, just far away.  Let me zoom.

Thank you Lord for your beautiful creation.  And thank you Lord for my awesome family.


Vicky said…
LOVE seeing Michael in front of the "black" board! Reminds me of his father! <3
jeday0323 said…
I do love how Michael is the best of you and Tim. He is such a good man. <3