The Hills

Everything is green again.

What a difference a week makes from my last post with
pictures of the woods.  I can't wait for next week!

Our oaks are even growing little baby leaves.

I am SO happy.  This is me:

Y'all.  I know what she was singing about.  The hills ARE alive with the sound of music.  It is absolutely glorious.

I am so energized and happy this time of year.  My weeks are super busy and I am having the time of my life.  Here are some more pics I have for you:

Sunset over the lake - I get to see this on the causeway on
my way home.  This is so beautiful.

Sending pics back and forth with these two.
I love them so.

My dad bought Kara this PERFECT shirt and she had to wear it right away.  We love it!

Science class today:

Kara says notes are hard, so she wants me
to write what she decides is important and
we will go from there.  Fair enough.

By the time we are working on science, Shiloh is lovey.
That cat is the definition of sweetness.  Anyone who
doesn't like cats would change their mind with her.

Lesson plans for yesterday and today.

Have you heard about these yet?  I have been using them about a month and am up to $20.

Checkout 51 has a list of items like coupons.  You select the things, buy them at the store, take a picture with your phone of the receipt, and you get the discount in the form of money back.  (It's cool when they have it for things like eggs or tomatoes - I never find coupons for those.  AND you can use it with ALDI receipts - you can't use coupons at ALDI.)  It looks like you can't use this with coupons, so there's that.  Since I am not doing coupons now, this is something fun for me to use that is quick and easy.

Walmart savings catcher wants you to scan the square code thingy at the bottom of your walmart receipt and it automatically looks up competitors nearby and gives you money back if someone else beats them.

I like using the same receipt on both apps.  :-)

My dinner Wednesday night.  Homeschool
curriculum catalogs are THE BEST.
 Well, my favorite show on Netflix is being canceled tomorrow, so I have some binge watching to do while I still can.  :-)
