Tomorrow is the Day

Tomorrow is the first day of seventh grade!  I can't wait.  School stuff will be coming, here on the blog.

Since I last posted, we have been doing normal stuff around here.  Cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, that sort of thing.  Not super exciting.  We watched Jurassic Park together as a family, Michael and Kara are "sciencing" a lot together, Kara and I decided our next book to read together (starting in a few weeks) will be the Hobbit.  We tried a few movies that I recorded while we had free movie channels for a month, but Kara didn't like them.

Kara spent Thursday and Friday "testing".  Like they do in public schools.  Sort of.  I got tests off the internet and used those.  They had answers online too, so I could grade them myself, which I wanted. Kara did pretty well - more than 80%-90% right on each test.  I have no idea where that places her among her peers, but I feel like she has a good grasp on what we are learning in school.  The process of taking standardized tests is something she needs to learn how to do!  Since this was her first one, I recognize it will take her a while to get them right.  This is why we are practicing now - by the time she takes her SATs and ACTs, I want her to be comfortable with timed standardized tests.

The contractors are coming back.  I didn't even call them this time.  They knew a few of our windows needed perfecting, so when they had time with a guy from the window company, they gave me a call and came along with the window guy.  While the contractor was here, he walked the house with me and made a list of things to fix/make right for me.  I love this company.  Their customer service is like nothing I've ever seen before.

I'm watching a fun show on Netflix (yay for internet!) and I just saw a note flash on the screen that says it's only available on Netflix until April 1st.  Bummer.  I'll just have to watch as much as possible until then!  Then I'll find a new show.  lol.  Aren't you so glad you are reading my blog so you can keep up with my fascinating life?

Tomorrow is seventh grade.  I'll have more to talk about then.  (I've been preparing for this for months now.  I am so excited!!!)


Vicky said…
I could NOT handle timed tests or anything timed! Always threw my brain into a spasm! Didn't matter how well I knew the material! :(
jeday0323 said…
I was/am the same way! I had a very high GPA, but a low SAT score. I'm hoping that if Kara takes them regularly now, she won't freak out like I did. You know Michael is an excellent test taker, timed or not, so I hope she takes after him on that one.