Kara's writing assignment 3-23-17

Kara's writing assignment Thursday was to imagine she hadn't seen an old friend for 20 years.  It was supposed to be written like a story.

Write About It p. 65

I walked in the woods as I always do. Deep in thought, I sat down on a log and plucked a flower from the lush green grass at my feet. I murmured aloud, “I meet my friend today. I have not seen him in twenty years. His name is Scott Wolf.”
The flower did not respond. Thank goodness it didn’t, I thought. That would’ve been weird.
I glanced upward. The sun was almost overhead, gradually climbing upward. It was almost noon—almost time to meet Scott. I exhaled and stood up, trotting on the trail toward my house. I got in the car and drove to the quiet part of town and sat on a table in an old park. It is quiet, I thought. Just like Scott likes. I’m not surprised he chose this place.
I soon saw a person walking calmly toward me. He wore light clothing, white tennis shoes, and a black hat. He sped up to a brisk trot when he spotted me.
“Hi!” I exclaimed, smiling.
“Hey,” he responded happily.
“Long time no see. How are you?”
He shrugged. “Depends on the day. But that doesn’t matter now. I’ve missed you!”
“Me too… Except now, I have all day. What do you want to do?”
The rest of the day was spent with two reunited friends having fun, being together again, catching up. Twenty years is a long time, I realized. I’ve been looking forward to this for several months, but so much time has passed… I guess I hadn’t really thought about seeing him again. It feels like it’s been forever, but it used to feel like a few weeks…
“It’s amazing,” Scott said, as if reading my thoughts. “Time passes so quickly, yet so slowly. Especially when there’s a war going on where I live…”
I was shocked. “A war?” I gasped. “That region has always been peaceful!”
He sighed. “That was then. This is now. Things change. I’m here now, though. I—”
“I wish you could stay here—you really should.” I didn’t mean to speak my thoughts; it just happened. “It’s safe, quiet, and we’d be able to see each other again. Thinking back, I don’t even know why we parted. We were good friends! It’d be nice to be close again.”
“Well… It would be nice, but…”
He hesitated. I guessed he was thinking. He hardly ever stays in one place longer than a few months, and he surely doesn’t reject an opportunity, so I wasn’t waiting in anticipation, curious. I was simply waiting for him to say yes.
“You know what?” Scott said. “I can stay. So I will. We’ll be great friends again.”

I smiled, and he did too.


Vicky said…
WOW!! The next Karen Kingsbury is in our family! :D It is great! I am just WOW-ed!
jeday0323 said…
Isn't she amazing?! She is talking about becoming an author when she grows up. Or an editor. Or both. I can't write like that now, never mind back when I was 10.

Michael and I think she will do something with computers like us since that comes so easily to her.

I will give her a good education up through high school and let her go from there!
Vicky said…
Yup! The Lord will direct her!