
Counting the tithe Monday was SO MUCH FUN.  I plan to go back Thursday to learn some more stuff.

It was a cool, rainy day the other day.  I loved how while the sky was a pretty solid gray, these white clouds hung low over the lake.  They looked like I could run down the yard, jump off the bluff, and land on the clouds.  So cool.

Here we are in school Tuesday.


Reading history on the floor.

Kara started drawing on pictures to add her own effects.  I LOVE how she drew that little guy behind her peeking around her.  The white and red eyes are totally creepy though.

She took this picture:

So she could edit it to look like this:

This girl's creativity knows no bounds.

I was up EARLY today for Bible study.  I got to see the sunrise.  I don't plan to see very many of these, but I hope all of them are seen from my front porch.

The whole front of the house lit up pink!

This one is my favorite - it's my new desktop picture.

One more of Kara's pictures:

She drew a wolf sitting on the couch.  Fun!


Vicky said…
Michael used to sleep with his hands tucked under, just like Kara is in the picture of reading on the floor.

She amazes me with her creativity! She should keep the red and white eyes to herself, however! EWWWWWWW!! :D Great work, Kara!
jeday0323 said…
He still does, mom. And he still wiggles his bottom back and forth like he is rocking himself to sleep, like she does. :-)

She has all these characters she writes about, and her favorite one has eyes like that. Fine for an animal in a story, creepy for my pretty girl!
Unknown said…
LOVE the sunrise pics!!!
Vicky said…
Yes! I would encourage her, as I know you do, to keep stretching her creative muscles!

I also meant to tell you the sunrise pictures were beautiful! Stephanie reminded me, LOL!