Horse Lessons 3/29/17

First of all, we had some visitors overnight.  It was rainy and the mud was fresh, so the prints are very clear.  I have no idea what they were.  It looks like several different things.  Remind me never to camp out in the yard.  :-)

You can see all of the prints in this one

Kara rode Pedro again at horse lessons.  The other horses are too easy for her, so she worked with Pedro again.  He was much better behaved.  Kara still has to be strong to make him do what she wants him to do.

I stood next to this guy while we
watched Kara in the ring.  So pretty.


Kara lunging Pedro.  She has the lead line and is making him
do what she says.  Good for both of them.

The barn kitties always hang out near
me when we are there.  They know I
am a cat lover.  She stays there the
whole time.  :-)


"Do you have any treats?"

They have a new baby dachshund puppy.  She is so cute!
Her legs are like 3 inches long.

Cleaning Pedro's feet one more time.
The sun was out today, which makes for harsh lighting.  These aren't frame worthy, but I always have fun with my camera.
