Turned into a Good, Busy Weekend

Starting with Friday, we had a great, busy weekend.

Here's a little background for you - winter here in the south is lovely.  It gets warmer and warmer until we hit about 70-75 degrees, then a round of thunderstorms (sometimes with hail, tornadoes, and damaging winds) come through and cool us down to a high of about 50.  It gets a little warmer and warmer until we do this all over again.

Thursday was so warm and lovely (around 75), so Thursday night we had a round of storms bring a cold front through.  At 1:00 we heard incredibly loud thunder.  Lightning had struck half a mile from here.  I stayed up for an hour while the front came through, loudly.  I was checking and double checking the radar.

All of that to say, Friday morning I overslept a bit and was tired most of the day.  We were a few minutes late to horse lessons.  (It was cool, but warm enough for Kara to be in short sleeves.)

Kara rode Frankie today.  He is a very good
boy and was very good to Kara.

After horse lessons we had to stop by Walmart so we had lunch at McDonalds first.

Not so sneakily stealing a french fry.


This is my new background picture on my
phone.  She is such a happy girl.

I love taking Kara to Walmart.  It's no secret that I don't enjoy Walmart, so having her there was fun.  We were looking for birthday presents for Stephanie and Uncle Tony.  We found something for Stephanie, but since you can't ship explosives and fireworks, we decided to worry about Uncle Tony's present later.

When we got home, Kara got working on her chores for this week:  cleaning all 6 toilets and sinks.  She did NOT enjoy this.  When I sat down to use the restroom hours later and the toilets were still wet, I did not enjoy that!  lol.  But I appreciate her help and learning how to take care of a house.

After dinner, we had a family movie night.  Jurassic World.  (The first three Jurassic Parks were watched over the last week or two.)  During Jurassic World, Kara played with her new pipe cleaners from Walmart.  Who knew she had a talent for sculpture, using pipe cleaners?  She made a bird (wings outstretched), a wolf, and a dinosaur (I bet you can guess her inspiration).  She picked up the dinosaur and wolf and started giggling.  I thought she was going to pose the dino eating the wolf.  Nope!  She put the wolf on the dino's back with some reins!  She is a goof ball!!!!

Saturday was pretty cloudy and I just could not wake up.  I kept falling back asleep.  After breakfast, I fell back asleep again.  So, at 11:00, I jumped out of bed and made myself a giant cup of coffee.  I got to work on my lesson plans, which was so much fun.  I was built to be a homeschool teacher.  This is the best job ever!

Monday Kara will do school independently while I count the tithe at church.  I kept that in mind as I planned this week.  Also skyping with Ellie Monday night, Tuesday's dentist appt, Wednesday's horse lessons, cooking class, and church.  It's going to be another wonderful week!

I headed out around 3:30 to serve at the church.  They were having a two day event for girls, grade 6 to college.  It is called Captivate and I think it's based on the book Captivating - how God designed women to be different from men and how we are precious to him.  (I asked Kara if she wanted to go, but it sounded incredibly boring to her, which is why they picked the age limits they did.)  Anyway, they ended with a nice dinner.  We worked from 4:00 to 7:00 cooking and setting up for a big taco dinner, followed by fruit pizzas for dessert, then cleaning it all up.  It was fun to work with all of the ladies in the church, people I've already met and new friends.  There still was a bit more to do when I left at 7:00, but I was so sore by then and the kitchen was so hot, I was overheated for too long.  So, I headed home and prepared to rest.  Nope!  lol.  I had my own dishes to do, then Kara had a headache so I took care of her, then her headache prevented her from doing her reading for homework, so I read to her.  I knew we were changing the clocks, so I guess it was nice to be tired enough to go to sleep early.

Sunday after church at lunch, Kara drew this while we ate mexican food.  (Two days in a row, I know, but I could eat it every day.)

When we came home we watched Avatar as a family, which Kara really liked.  And I'm working on a ton of laundry, including sheets.  I want to get as far ahead on chores as I can for another busy week.  I can't wait!

One last thing tonight (Sunday):  bridge online with our friends in Maryland.

Here's to a packed full schedule and loving every minute!
