Second Day of Seventh Grade

This was our first B day and we had two lessons of Devotions, Math, Science, and History on the plans.  I forgot to take a picture of Math.  The first two lessons of a year are super light and didn't even require homework.

Science was full of note taking.  Kara loves taking notes and makes them as artistic as possible.  That means it takes longer to do though.  Goodness, it took well over an hour to do this one lesson - 7 pages.  She has that much to do for homework - hopefully she doesn't take an hour on these too!  (Unless she's having fun.)  We kicked on the country music and just enjoyed the lesson.

I took notes at the same time.  She is still learning, so I want
to really hold her hand at the beginning.

We kept comparing the two to make sure
she was doing well.  She was!
 History class began with getting her "Discovering Doctrine" notebook ready.  I thought this was such a neat idea, I'm doing one for myself too.  Basically, it's a journal with the following categories:

Not only does it keep you engaged in the Word and help you learn/study, but it really makes the Bible HERS.  You know what I mean?  It's not just a book, dead and dry.  It's the living Word of God, and it's so precious to my heart I feel like I want to hug it.  I want her to too.

Here is Kara's Discovering Doctrine
book after today's lesson
Then we started our history class at the beginning.  Genesis 1 and 2.  Tonight she is reading from Adam and His Kin.

When school was done, we finished up a (late) birthday present for a Maryland friend.  Kara drew dinosaurs for him.

She is always happy drawing.  This girl.
Why does she suddenly look so old?  I
see such a young woman in this picture
instead of a little girl.

After the post office, we picked up Kara's bestie and started their cooking class.  I have been wanting to do this for months now, but life gets away from you if you don't work really hard not to let it!  We started with safety information, sanitary information, then we donned our aprons and got started.  We started with mashed potatoes.  Vegetable peeler, cutting, how to light a gas stove, etc.  Then we continued with chopping veggies for a salad.

Carrots were no fun!  Too dense and the girls felt like they were too hard to cut.  So we moved on to lettuce, a yellow pepper, a cucumber, and celery.  I also found some mushrooms in the fridge - we ended up cooking them up plain (with just a little seasoning) and eating them right out of the pan.  Kara hasn't ever had them, at least not plain anyway.  Because Emma was there, she ate the whole bowl.  For that matter, Kara doesn't care about cooking, but since Emma is there, she made it fun for her!

Here is Kara's turn with the hand mixer finishing up the mashed potatoes:

We also made brownies - objective:  how to follow instructions on the box.

Since I had a pot roast in the crock pot, I appreciated the girls making the rest of our dinner tonight!
