Fjord Cruise - Day 7

This day we woke up to the most spectacular sites we would see the whole cruise.  THIS was officially my favorite day.  The whole reason we went on this trip.  We woke up in Geiranger, Norway.  This is a FJORD, man.  Towering walls of rock and trees that slope straight down into glacier tinted water.  Ah-may-zing.  God is so brilliant and creative!

We shopped a bit in a souvenir shop, took a walk up the hill to get a good view, then walked back down the hill and back onto the ship.

Enjoy my pictures!  They're a little out of order as I switch back and forth between my camera and Michael's.

This is us already at the top of the hill, thanks to Michael's camera.  AMAZING. 

So glorious 

Steep hills - the birch trees come out of the hill, then make a hard angle and shoot straight up. 


See that RV way down there?  It's tiny.  And I believe that is a dry waterfall bed. 

Then we sailed away and had hours of amazing views sailing through incredible fjords out to sea.

Of course the pictures don't do it justice.  Absolutely incredible.  There are no words.

What a phenomenal day!


Elisabeth said…
I can't imagine seeing it in real life! So breath taking!