
We left the house this morning bright and early and made it to the train station around 10. Here we are on the first train. Niyah has never been on a train before, so this was pretty exciting.

We're here! Washington DC. Here are Niyah and Kara in front of the Washington Monument and the Capitol building.

I gave Niyah the camera after that and she got some really great pictures!
The insect zoo:

The Hope Diamond.

The Mammals Exhibit.

A large squid that was 36 feet long, but has shrunk a bit in the preservation process. Wow!

In the Metro station. I asked her to smile and she held her cookie up too. (Leftover from lunch at the Smithsonian cafeteria.) :-)

After we got home, we hung out at my mom's house for an hour, then signed a bunch of papers at home to refinance our house. Kara and Niyah were SO GOOD and let me get stuff done. Then we went out to dinner to my favorite restaurant, Chevys. It's a Mexican restaurant, so Niyah, a sweet little Texan, was right at home and found something she liked easily.

What else could we do after dinner than find ANOTHER book store! :-) Niyah bought a "teach yourself piano" kit since it was a pretty good deal.

Then we put Kara to bed and watched Jeopardy together. Now we're getting ready for bed and for the beach tomorrow!


Elisabeth said…
I bet it is a welcome change to have someone older visiting after just having Hannah!
jessicaday said…
It's definitely very different! There are pros and cons to both ages though.
Sharon said…
Yeah....I finally got in, lol. Ahh you guys are having a blast. I wish i could be there with you guys. Thank you for showing her such a great time.