Happy Birthday Kara

Yesterday was Kara's 5th birthday. I am so blessed to have her in my life. Michael and I prayed for her and about her long before she was on her way. Then we prayed when I became pregnant and again when we were given bad news when she was born. God blessed us by healing her completely, and quickly, so she's been such a precious part of our lives and marriage ever since.

Kara is compassionate and sweet and kind. When someone is sick, she always remembers to ask if they're better and prays for them. She tries to always remember who gave her what gift so that when she's using it, she can thank them again. (For example, while baking the other day, we used the baking kit Aunt Jessica bought her for Christmas and she said, "thank you, Aunt Jessica for buying this for me. I'm so glad she did. I love it.")

She adores bugs and thinks they're absolutely beautiful. She not only has a wonder for science and how things work and a passion for learning (which I see in myself as a little girl), but she thinks God's glorious creation is simply breathtaking. She loves to see the many colors of beautiful snakes and amazing giant beetles with vibrant green backs. We have bug catchers everywhere, so whenever she catches one, she can keep it. She ties leashes to the bug catchers and keeps them as pets. She sleeps with them in her room and cherishes them.

She is so close to God; I wish I could be like that. She memorizes verses so easily and loves to pray. When she's frustrated, she drops to her knees and prays for help. When she hears someone is sick or has been in an accident, she's the first one to remind me we need to pray for them right now. She forgives with such love, she could only have gotten it from the Lord. She loves praying and seeing her prayers answered. She loves hearing how God is in the car with us and sitting right with us. We can't see Him, but we feel Him and He is keeping us safe. Her eyes light up and she reaches out to hold His hand.

She has an amazing brain. I always did really well in school, so I'm no dummy, but I'm not like Michael. He has a photographic memory and is borderline genius. He can hear or see something once and remember it forever. Every company he works in recognizes him as a "super star" (to use their words). Thankfully, Kara inherited his brain. I remember one example: we were on our cruise and I realized I hadn't been working with her to memorize her Bible verse (which is something we usually do in the car). I worked with her once in the middle of the week and forgot again until we were on our way to church on Sunday! She remembered it flawlessly, word for word. I realized then that her memory is something special. Not just her memory, but she's so smart. She loves numbers and fractions and addition and subtraction. She loves reading and letters. She learned her colors and shapes and letters really young and we've just gone from there at her own advanced pace. She loves doing workbooks with me. She loves being challenged and I love seeing her face when she gets it. She learns so quickly. I hope she not only has an easy time in school, but is really challenged and that she never loses that passion for learning she has now.

She is polite and well behaved. I have to say, I don't think there's any excuse for someone (child or adult) to not be polite or well behaved. It's easier for some kids than for others, but I think they should always try their best. Fortunately, it comes easily to Kara. She wants to make me happy, so she tries her best. I recognize that and tell her how proud I am of her and how she does such a great job. I want to tell her I love her and am proud of her so much she says, "Okay, enough!" :-) My parents always did that for me and I never doubted how they felt about me. I want that for her too.

She pats your back while she hugs you.

She grabs your cheeks and looks into your eyes and says, "I love you."

She loves shopping - especially at Target. She loves going out to lunch and just talking with me about anything at all.

She loves being kissed all over her face.

She loves being tickled and loves to laugh so hard it hurts her belly.

She cries when she has to leave her Grandmas - a sweet, silent, fat tears in her eyes kind of cry.

She is content. Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, she's not looking for something more, something bigger, she is happy with what she has.

She's a great traveler and will go anywhere with you.

She has self esteem. When her little friend at school is doing something wrong and trying to convince her to join her, Kara stands up for herself and says no. Then tries to convince her friend to do what is right also.

Her Bible verse this week is "Tell people about Jesus." When she told it to me, her voice got very loud and she said, "Mommy, can you believe there are people who DON'T know about Jesus? How is that possible???" I said not everyone goes to church on Sundays and not everyone knows all the wonderful things about Jesus or who Jesus is at all. And how we need to tell them. I loved her astonishment. :-)

I think she is the best of Michael and I. She got (mostly) the best traits of both of us. I love her so much. These last 5 years have been the best in my life and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of her life.


Vicky said…
Another post that brot tears to my eyes! She is a special girl with special parents!