
We started the day by going to church. ALWAYS a great way to start the day. The music was great (Niyah recognized just about every song) and I was pleasantly surprised to hear the youth pastor preach. I love all our pastors, but with Niyah sitting next to me, I couldn't think of a better day for the youth pastor to preach. He taught a sermon on being extreme. Whether that's going across the world to be a missionary, or going across the street to witness to a neighbor. God called us to be extreme and extraordinary. It was a good lesson, and he kept it very interesting.

Then we went to the grocery store to get some stuff for this week. Niyah pushed the cart with the car on the front (you know what I'm talking about?) while Kara sat in the car part. They were both giggling and having fun. It was nice. :-)

We saw a cool praying mantis on the window while eating lunch today.

Then Grandma came and picked Kara up and Niyah and I could do what we liked. We watched an episode of Chopped on the Food Network, then left to go book shopping.

We didn't find a whole lot of great deals, but we did sit with a coffee (or hot chocolate in Niyah's case) and read for over an hour. Three hours after we left the house, we were on our way home with just $6 spent on one book, and of course the Starbucks food. :-) I hugged Niyah and told her we were two peas in a pod. I could have read in that store all day and I know she could have too, but it was getting close to dinner time.

Niyah is so polite. I always hear "Yes, ma'am. No ma'am." She always keeps everything picked up, always makes her bed, and never wants to inconvenience anyone. I'm so proud of that girl.

Right now Niyah is hanging out at my mom's house with Kara while we get ready to play bridge. My mom casually asked her the other day what her favorite meal is and she said steak dinner. So, today my mom went out and bought steaks to cook for her tonight. That's how we roll! :-)

Tomorrow the plan is the Natural History Museum in Washington, DC. I warned Niyah that it's basically the evolution museum, but we're strong enough in our faith to know the Truth and still be able to enjoy the neat exhibits.


Elisabeth said…
Every time I see a praying mantis I think of Michael. He used to always catch them when we were kids. And Ryan is always catching them now.
Sharon said…
She really enjoyed church Sunday. I am really missing my princess. She is really enjoying her trip :)