Independence Day

We had a great day swimming with my sister and then we enjoyed smores and sparklers back home. Sorry I'm too tired to write more, but here are some great pictures. Happy 4th of July everyone! Praise God for this awesome country!


Vicky said…
Yep, you are ready for a vacation! Great action shots of the guys jumping into the pool! Love the one of Michael doing a flip! Didn't know he could do that! The girls sure look tan! Love you all!
jessicaday said…
When he couldn't do the backwards dive thing I do, he had to figure out some way to top me. :-) So competitive. And, Tony took the picture - wish I could take credit - he's an awesome photographer.
Vicky said…
Yes, he ALWAYS has been very competitive! He gets that from his dad. They are soooooooooo much alike! :D

I didn't know who took that picture, but I knew it wasn't you cuz you were standin' in the bg! :D But it is a great picture!
jessicaday said…
Lolololol!! Duh! :-)