Great Memories

Yesterday we swam all day. (I have some pictures, but they look a lot like the ones from the day before.) After Micheal's fishing tournament, the girls talked him into swimming with them. Then we came home for baths and movies. I have been pretending I don't need to do chores (yes, mopping the floors can wait, but laundry and dishes and cooking and grocery shopping just could not wait any longer). So, I got a head start yesterday and have been working on the rest today. Also, since we plan to spend all day tomorrow in the pool and having a bbq with my sister, her husband, and doggie, I needed to get a jump on packing and preparing ALL THE FOOD. Hannah came with me to the grocery store while Kara stayed home with Michael. Now they're all at the park and I pulled a Fudge Brownie Pie out of the oven. Y-U-M.

Some things I don't want to forget about this awesome week:

* The amazing color of Hannah's big eyes - they're blue and green at the same time. Absolutely extraordinary.

* The way Kara will randomly say "I love you Hannah".

* The way they "share". Little kids don't know how to share, big kids don't know how to be considerate. (Let's face it - grown ups are still learning how to be considerate.) It's just not something that comes natural to us. (Actually, this is what my Bible study is about right now.) After talking to them, I love seeing them think about it and work really hard the next couple of days be considerate and kind to each other. I'm just so proud of them.

* Their toots! Lol!! They are the two prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life, but they have more gas than anyone in the whole world. In the pool, in the tub, in the car, mid-sentence. It's never ending with those two.

* The way Hannah says, "Kara, your just a little fish." :-)

* The way Hannah talks about her siblings with so much love. She absolutely adores Ryan and Abigail. The first thing she says when we get to the beach is that she wishes Ryan was there because he would love it. That's not something you can teach - that's just in her. Although, she has made it clear no one else on earth can drive her crazy like Ryan does! She told me some ideas she has concerning him and scotch tape!

* The fact that the ONLY thing Hannah wanted to spend her money on was her family. AND, she had to wrap their presents. She loves making other people happy.

* The fact that they're still in that little kid, silly stage. I crack a totally dumb joke and they die laughing. One day they'll just roll their eyes at me and kick me out. (Well, maybe not that harsh, but I guarantee they'll be thinking it!)

* The way they giggle so loudly at 10:30 at night when the whole house is quiet. I have no idea what they're doing, but frankly it's none of my business!

* The way Hannah is such a good eater. It's something I am not used to and feel like it's a blessing! Lol!!

* The hilarious things they say. I forget the examples already, but Kara had Michael and I cracking up last night.

* The secret code word they have to enter their world of secrets. I still love telling my cousins secrets.

* The fact they're both good cleaner-uppers. Yes, that is something I definitely appreciate. I say, "girls, clean this room" and when I come back, it's gorgeous. It's like on Mary Poppins when she snapped her fingers.

* Just having a house with kids. I was made to be a mother, always thinking I would have 4. For whatever reason, God told me to stop at one. I'm wondering if it's so that I can have friends and family over often. You'd think as a neat freak, I'd say, ugh, this mess! But, isn't the whole point of having a big house so that loved ones will be here? I love to pack the car for kids. I love to cook for lots of people. I love to hang tons of towels over the shower at night to air dry. I love laundry!!!!

I'm glad we still have tomorrow for fun and memories. However, I am going to nap every day for a week after Hannah goes home. :-)


Vicky said…
Well, believe it or not, I cried the whole way thru this! Silly me! I just love that you are making memories with our sweet little girls who are growing up waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast!
jessicaday said…
Lol! Don't apologize, I love you for it! :-)
Anonymous said…
OMG I cried too!!!!