So glad I'm sick

I have been dreadfully behind on my Bible study. Seriously, what was I thinking? Laziness, selfishness, etc.

ANYWAY, being ahead on chores and stuff, I decided to spend the day relaxing in bed since I am sick with a cold. So, today was the perfect day to catch up on it. I bought several videos I missed, downloaded them, watched them, and worked on the study. I spent a good 8 hours on it and am almost caught up. It has been the best day ever! Who could quiet a four year old for an entire day but the Lord who wants you to reconnect with Him? So, so great.

Oh, and just in case you're wondering, I'm studying Beth Moore's study on Revelation. Scary and wonderful at the same time. Scary for those left behind (Praise God that won't be me!) and wonderful for everyone. The Lord will triumph over all and I can't wait to spend eternity in heaven with him!
