Got a lot done

Since I'm starting to feel better (yes it was just a cold and I wasn't on my death bed, but Kara was sick too and Michael, so the whole house was in sick bay mode), I am getting back out there and getting stuff done. After Bible study, Kara and I went to Target. It is officially our favorite store, so we both took our time and reveled in it. First we ate lunch there (two turkey sandwiches and a shared bag of chips), then potty, then shopping. Wow, was it fun. Kara picked out some things, walked a bit, rode in the cart a bit, we talked, we laughed. Ah, it reminded me so much of shopping with my own mom - lots of good bonding time.

Anyway, I digress. I bought FOUR new sets of shelves I'm really excited about. Most people would be dreading it, but organization is kind of my thing. I constantly think about it, love to do it, and feel SOOOO good when something is organized and clean. Michael likes organization too, so he supports it, and Kara is like that too. The first thing she does when she opens crayons is organize them according to color. My mom brought me over to the corner where Kara's toys are in her house and showed me Kara found all the balls and lined them up biggest to smallest all in a straight line. It cracked me up!

I made a new invention for dinner which turned out pretty good - Michael really liked it and I think my Dad did too. Then my dad and Kara played play doh until Kara's bed time. I read her the second chapter in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She seems to actually be listening and likes a book with no pictures.

Now I ate way too many oreo cookies and I'm gonna cut all my nails off. They grow way too fast and I am always chopping them off so I can type.

Not a very exciting day to most people, but it's a day in my life and I think it's pretty awesome. :-)


Vicky said…
A Day in your life is perfect for the name of your blog! I'm so glad everyone is feeling better, too!
jessicaday said…
Thanks, Mom. I just wish you would feel better soon. You never seem to just get the sniffles, it seems like every time you're sick it's horrible and sinus pain and pressure and lasts forever. :-( I guess the silver lining is that you don't have to go to work feeling so bad!
It was so sweet of you to call Kara the other day. I don't know why she didn't want to talk to papaw - I hope it didn't hurt his feelings - I think she was just focused on her painting project and didn't think it might not be nice to say she didn't want to talk to him. Anyway, maybe next time we should do the phone conversation in front of the webcam? Love you! :-)
Elisabeth said…
I have all kinds of chapter books that I can't wait to read to Hannah but she still hates books without pictures! I love the "back to normal" days too!!