Nothing Much

I haven't said a lot because there hasn't been a lot to say. I've been sick with a cold, so has Michael, and Kara is suffering big time from swimmer's ear infection. My life has been motrin for Kara every 4 hours (including through the night) and not enough sleep for me. Since I'm sick too, it's not going well. I should say, as far as colds go, this one isn't so bad, but I'm just so tired. So, I've been laying around a lot and sleeping whenever I can. Boring!

I hope you are all having a recharging weekend!


Vicky said…
AWWW! Hope Kara's swimmer's ear is better SOON!!! Jessica used to have problems with those after a week at camp.

Hope yours and Michael's colds get better FASTER than mine is, LOLOLOL!