Saturday - Kara's party

Before the party started (while I was still setting up), my mom brought out the giant bubbles.

Hannah was the super duper helper - she hosed off the deck for us so no one would slip on the bubbles. She was so helpful all day!!

Princess Kara!

Kara spent the whole Happy Birthday song hidden in my neck. :-)

Kara has been practicing going under water already this summer, but seeing Hannah do it SO well makes Kara try even harder. It's so nice having such a GOOD older girl influence Kara. :-) (Can you see her cover her little nose AND her eyes? Lol!)

There she goes!!

Can you tell she's proud of herself? We would cheer every time she did it, so she did it over and over. Lol!

Hannah was my mom's little shadow again. They spent the afternoon in the deep end watching a baby bird learn to fly and make it over the fence.

Hannah and Kara played SO well together, once again!

Hannah and Kara with Emily and Jordan.

It was ANOTHER great day! Kara had a great time at the party, and everyone was very well behaved. After all that swimming, they're both bottomless pits and I've spent the evening cleaning, getting a jump on laundry, and trying to keep them fed. They've had two dinners already and it's only 7:00!!


Elisabeth said…
I love the pictures! Both girls are such cuties!! Glad it was another great day! And I'm glad Hannah is being a good big girl influence for Kara! =) I'm beaming!
jessicaday said…
You should be beaming. You are doing a WONDERFUL job raising that girl. Please pass the compliments on to Brad too. :-) I love you both. :-)
Elisabeth said…
We both say thanks! =) We love you all too!