Saturday morning

I can't believe I forgot to have Hannah call Liz last night! Sorry - that just shows you how much fun we're having. :-)

We had a great morning. The girls slept until 8, which was awesome! After sugary cereal Hannah picked out at the grocery store, they played around the house all morning. Between toys in the play room, video games, playing in the basement with Uncle Michael, and crafts, they seemed really happy and entertained.

Then we had lunch, which started off with a huge morning snack of apples, then a little plate of snacks (crackers, cheese, fruit snacks, etc.) and lollypops. (Just the little dum-dum ones.)

I told them they could play in their room a little bit before nap, but then they had to go to sleep so they could stay up late tonight. They played for an hour before I told them they really had to go to sleep now. I did have to go back 5 minutes later and threaten to break them up if they didn't go to sleep, but they shut right up! Two hours or more later they woke up.

Michael had a meeting at 1 and should be home soon so we can go to the mall. We're going to let the girls play in the play area and have dinner in the food court while we're out. This has been such a great day. I'm very proud of both girls and how well behaved they are.


Vicky said…
Hannah LOVES playing at the mall playgrounds! Sounds like everyone is having a great time!