Good, good times

Yesterday we got home around 3 or 4, and the girls had time to spread out a bit in the house. Something about the extra space (as opposed to being trapped in the car/train) pushed their reset button. They were BEST FRIENDS the whole afternoon/evening. Hannah found a toy puppy (the one Tim and Vicky got Kara for her first birthday) and Kara has her favorite puppy, Lancer, and they played with them. They were dog owners who had to go to work and put the dogs in the cage all day and they were very concerned about making sure the dogs went to the bathroom. Next thing I knew, Hannah was on the floor pretending to be a puppy or baby, I couldn't tell, and this was the FUNNIEST thing Kara had EVER SEEN! After that, they had dinner together while we watched Spongebob. They had the exact same dinner, ate it ALL, and earned dessert. Hannah had ice cream with pink sprinkles and Kara had a lolly pop. Since they chose to skip a nap, we went right to the tub after that. I don't know what it is about the tub, but no matter what mood they're in, or how much Kara has annoyed Hannah, the tub is ALWAYS tons of fun. They were so loud and laughed so hard. They were in there like an hour - I finally asked them to get out, please. Lol! They were laughing and joking about poop, toots, and booties. Lol! I was going to record it, but I thought it might be some kind of invasion of privacy.

After their bath, Uncle Michael took them in the basement to wrestle, play with frogs, and do whatever else they do down there. All I know is it was quiet where I was! :-) After the basement, they came up to spin the "the spin chair". Which means they sit in the computer chair while Michael spins them around and around. Kara does this with him just about daily, and now the chair has one more girl in it. :-) They were still hysterical with giggles and chasing each other around - with wet hair in their nightgowns. So precious. I finally told them (about an hour later than I planned) it was bed time and I read them a nice Dr. Seuss story, "If I Ran the Zoo". They were cracking up and so was I! They played in bed for a while later, which I discovered was more like wrestling. Kara called me in about 20 minutes later and asked if they could go to sleep now. Lol.

I talked to Michael about why they've been bickering and we decided Kara was probably annoying Hannah because she's more affectionate. Michael said Hannah was raised by Liz, who was more like him, and Kara was raised by me, who is very affectionate. He said he could sympathize with Hannah and felt like that's where he was 5 years ago - wishing I would stop holding his hand and stop touching him! We got a good laugh at that because we are so far past those times when we were trying to figure each other out and are in such a good, comfortable place - we're both super happy.

So, it's 8:30am on Friday morning and Kara has been up for over an hour in here with me, but Hannah is still sleeping. I'm wondering if she was up last night - I found my toilet was used and not flushed last night (which is nice because I didn't wake up!). We're letting her sleep as long as she wants because, for once, we don't have big plans today. We're planning for Kara's party, and that's it. It should be a good day - we do have a few errands, but we'll mostly be home where the girls can watch tv, play with toys, and do crafts.

Pretty much every hour Kara asks me how many more days until she goes to Mamaw's house. She is SO excited. I didn't know all the mommies would be there but me, so we'll see how that goes, but for right now she does NOT want me to come. All she wants is to be able to sleep next to Hannah - something I told her was up to Aunt Liz and Mamaw. The girls are convinced Hannah is coming back here after Mamaw's house, but I told them it's time they both started getting ready for school. That was a big bummer and we changed the subject quickly. :-)


Elisabeth said…
yay for another great day!