Much Better
I am finally feeling much better! I'm just about 100%. I know what's doing it - excitement. I am so excited to be getting my niece on Friday and I get to keep her for a whole week! Hannah and Kara are going to have the best time together and I am SO looking forward to great memories for all three of us. I am so excited she's coming, I know it's giving me all this extra energy. I vacuumed the whole house, swept and mopped, and did three loads of laundry. Wow! Not that Hannah cares if things are clean (she's not quite 6 yet), but I really don't want to have to do that stuff while she's here. Tomorrow's to do list: clean bathrooms and set up Kara's trundle bed in her room. Have I mentioned I'm excited?? :-)
I'm so glad you are feeling better!