Much Better

I am finally feeling much better! I'm just about 100%. I know what's doing it - excitement. I am so excited to be getting my niece on Friday and I get to keep her for a whole week! Hannah and Kara are going to have the best time together and I am SO looking forward to great memories for all three of us. I am so excited she's coming, I know it's giving me all this extra energy. I vacuumed the whole house, swept and mopped, and did three loads of laundry. Wow! Not that Hannah cares if things are clean (she's not quite 6 yet), but I really don't want to have to do that stuff while she's here. Tomorrow's to do list: clean bathrooms and set up Kara's trundle bed in her room. Have I mentioned I'm excited?? :-)


Elisabeth said…
Hannah is excited too. All day she has been asking when we are leaving. Ryan thinks he is going too and I said "no way! You have to keep mommy company while Hannah is away!" I've almost got all her things packed. Tomorrow we're going to go out mamaw's since she won't see Hannah for 2 weeks.
Anonymous said…
Aww, I'm excited for you guys! Have a great time!!!
Vicky said…
YAY! It's my turn next! :)
I'm so glad you are feeling better!