Utopian Moments

My friend who has a blog that focuses only on the good parts of her life (seriously, no negative things allowed on her blog) mentioned the phrase "Utopian Moments" that she heard recently and posted a review of her Utopian Moments for the past week. I liked the idea so much, I decided to do it too:

* Church on Sunday - hearing God's Word, singing praises to Him. Asking Kara what she learned about in church - she said telling other people about Jesus and I said, that's what I learned about too!

* Monday - shopping for a present in Babies R Us for a close friend (who delivered today). Babies are a miracle and this couple waited such a long time for them. Remembering when Kara was that little and being so proud of her now as a big girl - she doesn't fit into and can't use anything in that store anymore. One chapter closes, many more are still ahead.

* Tuesday - In the midst of bad things around me, I studied God's word with my small group at church. We are learning just how close He is to us - He's everywhere. My small group is so special - just being around those women lift me up!

* Tuesday evening - spending time with my dear friend who I've known since I was 13. Watching our children (who are the same age) play together so well and talking about how fun it would be if they got married. Seeing her pregnant with a little girl. Seeing her face and knowing there's never judgment there and letting the last 17 years flash back. Hundreds of fun, special moments.

* Wednesday - spending the morning with Kara's friend from church. The more I get to know Kara's little friend's mommy, the more I really love her. I love seeing Kara be a good friend to another kid and watching her be the "big kid" who influences them. I'm so proud of the decisions she's making already.

* Thursday - going to the dentist and getting a gold star for zero plaque - she had nothing to scrape. Seeing Kara be a big girl in the chair and do as they ask, and being sure she would never do anything wrong when I'm in the chair and can't see her. (She sat in the corner quietly with a toy truck.)

* Friday - spending time with my sister. I have such an amazing relationship with her and am truly blessed to have her in my life. She has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met and I get to be her sister.

* Saturday - going for a walk with my daughter - enjoying nature and appreciating God's creation through a three year old's eyes - I focused a lot more on bugs and flowers/weeds than I have in a long time.

It's been a good week. I hope this makes you think of your Utopian Moments! :-)


Anonymous said…
That was AWESOME!!! I love the idea!
jessicaday said…
It really put me in a good place too - focusing on the good stuff. Thanks for the idea, Kattrina! :-)
Vicky said…
Very neat idea! I'll have to do this sometime! But, today, I'm posting some very pretty layouts that one dear DIL created with my new kit! :)
Kattrina said…
Wow Jessica, I feel so special! You have such great moments - very proud of your no-plaque teeth. That's an amazing feat! And I would love to get coffee sometime. Saturdays are usually the best days for me, but I think this month I'm only free on the 22nd in the afternoon. Or I'm pretty free in June (minus the first Saturday). Let me know when a good day is for you! Wishing you lots more Utopian moments this week too!