
I woke up early today to count the tithe at church. I love, love, love this ministry and wish I could do it every single week. I was done and on my way home by 10, so I thought today would be a good day for a crock pot meal. I had a pocket of time between 10 and 11 so I made one of Michael's favorite meals - braciole. Thin red meat wrapped in Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, bacon, onions, carrots, garlic, whatever else is in the fridge - mushrooms are good too. Brown the rolled meat, which is stuffed by this point and pinned with toothpicks, then put in crock pot. Put a can of tomatoes in the pan with some spices and you have a sauce to pour over the meat in the crock pot. Put on low for like 6 hours and it's ready whenever you are. Yum!

While that was cooking, Kara and I went to my sister's house. She had back to back appointments and didn't want to leave the new puppy for too long. He needed Kara to play with him and keep him awake during the day so he'd sleep better at night. He's really giving them a hard time - you know how baby puppies are. Crying at night, peeing and pooping all over the place, etc. Not for me, thanks! Just an afternoon had me swearing off dogs for a long, long time. :-)

Fortunately the puppy did nap for about an hour, which let me finish my bible study - God is closer than you think!! We learned about Mary and Martha and what the story really means. Doing chores isn't a bad thing, but choosing busyness over Jesus is. The key: bring Jesus into every aspect of your life - for example, chores. So awesome!

After I got home, we ate the delicious braciole, put Kara to bed early (since she didn't have a nap - not a good idea!), and now we're watching House. Since I had to get up early to be at church early, I missed breakfast and coffee and have felt exhausted all day. I'm going to bed early tonight!!


Vicky said…
That recipe sounds wonderful! I think I'll try it sometime! I may be asking for more directions later!