Wednesday, May 12th

I spent the morning at my sister's house puppy sitting. Kara came with me again, but I insisted on being home for nap time this time. (She was miserable Monday afternoon/evening and woke up Tuesday morning at 6:30! She was skipping naps regularly for a while there, but she just can't do it any more.) Jake is pretty well behaved. They have the first floor of their house set up so he can't get himself into too much trouble. But he still isn't potty trained. Let me just say, I'd much rather potty train a kid than a dog - it's so stressful. The second my sister puts me in charge, the stress sets in and every time he sniffs one sniff or starts to sit down I freak out and think he is squatting to pee, or has to pee. So I take him out and he eats grass, rocks, and dirt; rolls around in the mud; and chases bugs. As soon as I take him back inside (like 20 minutes later), he pees anyway and I have to clean it up. *sigh* Very frustrating. The only way he survives is he is SO precious I just melt when I look into that little chocolate face. :-)

After we spent a good three hours over there and I did a few surprise chores for her, we went to get the oil changed in Michael's car. He needed to take mine to work today, so it was a good opportunity to get it done. I was nervous 12:30 wouldn't be a good time to hit Jiffy Lube since it's lunch time, but it was totally empty and took literally 10 minutes. Wow! $35 later and 10 minutes later, we were on our way home.

Lunch with SpongeBob, now it's nap time. I'm trying to let her nap on my bed with me while I play on the computer, but she isn't falling asleep. I try to make little things special for her, like every once in a while she can nap in my bed, but when it doesn't work, I give up and make her go to her own bed. The eyes are droopy now, so I don't think it will be long. :-)

Now is the time of day I start thinking about what I am going to do for dinner. We have tons of leftovers, but it's from last night and the night before and I'm not sure Michael wants them tonight for dinner too. So, I will make something fun that doesn't have leftovers. Maybe chicken quesadillas: easy, delicious, and super cheap. Maybe chicken/broccoli crescent roll wrap: Michael really likes that. Either way, I guess I should go take some chicken out.

Well, that's my day so far, not world changing, not fascinating, but if I can be a blessing to my loved ones, I'm sure going to devote my life to it. :-)


Elisabeth said…
Did you type Thur or did the computer do that? I'm pretty sure today is only Wed....If you lived closer I'd ask you come babysit my dogs just so you could do some surprise chores! =) They are already potty trained and you wouldn't have to do anything! =)
Kattrina said…
I remember the days of puppy training. I ended up crate training my puppy which made it all easier. He spent all day in the crate and I took him out to pee and then we played for 30 mins then he went back in the crate. It worked amazingly well because dogs tend to not use the bathroom where they sleep so he NEVER went in his crate (except one time he was sick) and as long as I took him out at regular intervals he did his business. After about 3 months of that he was pretty trained. Plus he was happy in his crate and would curl up there to sleep. It's tough the first few weeks though because they miss their mommy and cry all day and night. Just heartbreaking. We tried everything (ticking clocks, warm water bottles, etc.) but to no avail. It took a month before he didn't cry all night. Such work!!
jessicaday said…
Whoops, I meant Wednesday!
I would love to come with Kara to play with your doggies, Liz, and surprise chores are what I do best! :-)
Kattrina, when we had a dog, we crate trained too - it worked really well for us too. They have decided against it because he poops and pees in there. I'm trying not to give too much advice and let them do their thing! :-D