No such thing as a little life

Being a stay at home mom - especially one of a little girl who isn't even in school yet - is a small life. I'm not changing the world, not healing people, not saving people, etc. I often wonder what I will do when Kara goes to school full time: will I go back to work, volunteer more in church, open my own business, or just sit at home and enjoy the television. The Lord put me on this earth for a reason - isn't there something more I'm supposed to do with this short life than just wipe noses and bottoms??

We had such a great sermon on just this subject yesterday. Most of us know the parable of the talents - a master gave three servants a certain amount of money and would ask for it back later. The first two used it to gain interest and earn even more money so they could give their master back what he gave them times 2. But the third buried his money and did nothing with it. (Matthew 25:14-30) The key thing I never got before was that the master (symbolizing God, of course) gave them all different amounts. Which symbolizes all the different amounts of gifts He gives people. He is setting us up for success - He just wants us to do what we can with what he gave us, no more.

You see, I feel limited where I can serve in church - I do not have any musical gifts, teaching gifts, or even child watching gifts. However, I do have the gift of attention to detail and a very math oriented mind. I am perfect for the teller committee: we count the tithe every week. I also have computer skills - I have served making the powerpoint presentations that make up the songs and sermon notes that are posted on the big screens. I will also be starting work on the church's website. They are all "behind the scenes" kinds of jobs, but that's what God designed me for. He only expects me do use the gifts He gave me, no more. He set me up for success.

When I die and stand before Him to return my life back to him, I want to have twice that to give back to him. I want to show Him I used what he gave me towards His kingdom for His glory. Not just bury my life and have nothing else to give Him.


Elisabeth said…
that is one full blog!! I don't think enough people (I'm not saying you) realize how important of a job parenting is. God gave us these little humans to raise and then let go into the world to do their own work for his kingdom. We will have to answer for the way we raise our kids. A lot of people don't see the great responsibility we have as mothers or parents. I think you are doing a marvelous work right now. We both are.
I often wonder what I am going to do after the kids are both in school full time. And I think that is one reason why I want another baby. I don't ever want to quit being a mom. Anyway, it took me a long time to realize my gift of teaching. I just think I didn't want to commit to it. But now I love teaching at church! I'm sure you'll be good at whatever you set your sights on. You are a smart, wonderful person and I'm glad you have God's best interest in mind! =) Love you!
Anonymous said…
You NEVER stop being a mom. I volunteer in the schools for various things. Then there's sports, scouts, church stuff. Trust me, the time fills up fast! When you're the stay at home mom there are things you can do that other mom's, who work, can't do. One of the things I've done a lot is volunteer in the school library. You also get the opportunity to help other kids.
Vicky said…
Liz, I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying teaching at church!

We were put here to fulfill the purposes of God. When we find out what He wants us to do, that is the biggest part of the battle that has been accomplished!

Then, it is to the work He has for us that we must be about!

Great post and comments!