Visit to MD - May 2017

There has been some big stuff going on in our lives lately.  Scary health stuff with Michael's dad, stuff that he is too young to deal with and life altering decisions/plans that I'm too young to deal with.  I haven't posted on here much about it because I didn't want it to be the place I complained about anything.  Mostly because my mother in law reads this!  lol.  Seriously though, she is going through much worse and I am here to support her - I have my own people to support me.

When it comes to difficulties, we all have a fight or flight instinct.  I know for a fact, my instinct is flight.  I want to run away.  I want to get away.  Whether it's sleeping the the guest room, taking a day trip, or planning to run away from my life (things were really bad when that was my fantasy - that isn't happening now).  That said, I had a trip planned for this past weekend to visit my sister and it couldn't have come at a better time!  I still dealt with a whole lot over the phone and texting over the weekend, but because I had "run away" to MD for the weekend, it didn't feel so overwhelming.  (See why I haven't posted?  That sounds so negative.  Not how I mean it.)

Anyway, it was a great time to go see my sister.  And Tony.  And their little fur baby, Jake.  We were goofy, acted like siblings, ate well, shopped a little, and had a blast.  We talked about serious grown up stuff, and later talked like we were a bunch of kids.  There is nothing like family who are friends.  I am sad for Kara that she doesn't have siblings, but I hope her husband has an awesome sister who can one day be her sister.  (Christina's husband, Tony, is an only child and I like am his sister.)

I just got back today.  I am so tired (even after a three hour nap) that I am slurring my words!  I think two not-so-great night's sleep plus dramamine caught up with me.  I will go to bed early today.  :-)

This week is going to be crazy busy, then it's time for Memorial Day weekend with the Days.  I'm excited!

This week is working at the church, school, preparing for KidBlast, baking for this weekend, packing, getting the kitties all set up for the weekend while we are gone (more on that later), and getting ready for Hannah to come stay with us for a week (which consists of grocery shopping, getting the guest bedroom sheets changed, and cleaning the guest bathroom).

This weekend will be super busy and fun with the Days.

Then we bring Hannah home, so that week will be super fun and super busy.  I still plan to work at the church at least one day, but we will take off school.

Over the next weekend I will travel yet again to bring Hannah home.

Then Monday - Wednesday after I take Hannah home is KidBlast.  It is three days of insanity and it takes a whole week to recover from.

Somewhere in those busy two weeks I need to finish up my KidBlast preparation.  I just need to sit down and work on it.  Maybe I'll do it this week so I can enjoy Hannah.  Also, if something goes wrong, I'll have time to work it out.

Isn't it funny how life goes like this?  A little while of down time before you get slammed.  I firmly believe this is God working to keep us balanced.  That is why I don't feel guilty reading books and relaxing with Netflix during those downtimes.  It will be crazy later and I'll need to be well rested.  :-)

So, I am in the middle of the busy time and when it's over, I will spend the second half of June in bed with good books.
