Actual Furniture

I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a bunch of stuff online.  This week (when I go pay my ticket in Huntsville) I will go to my favorite discount furniture store to get 2 couches and 2 loveseats.  As for the rest, some of this will look familiar, and some things I changed my mind:


I bought two of these chairs, one for each side of the table.  If I don't like the way these look together (even though cream and gray are my colors), I can always put these chairs somewhere else - they're beautiful.

Dining room:

6 of the linen colored chairs to go around this table.  I changed my mind from the table I was looking at earlier because I was afraid it was too trendy.

Living room:

Two smaller chairs for in front of fireplace

Two bigger chairs for Michael and I

I can't wait to see it all in my house!
