Don't say I didn't warn you. (See last post) Today I washed my car:
There was a possibility of snow a few weeks ago so they salted the roads. I was out that day and all of that stuff ended up on my car. It was so, so dirty. |
Not a bad place to be washing my car. :-) |
I caught Shadow inspecting the suds. |
He ended up with some on his front paw. See? |
Both my little helpers stayed pretty close. I sprayed them with the hose for fun. My outdoor kitties didn't mind. |
Much better! |
Add some tunes to this view, and it was kind of fun! |
The real job was the garage. Since we moved recently, there wasn't a whole lot to do, but it was really, really dirty.
The main reason for rearranging was the new fridge on the far left in this picture. It's a freezer less fridge and will be the BEST ever when we have company. (My fridge inside is tiny.) |
Everything needed to shift right. |
This trash can needed to go back where it came from - where I put the fridge. |
This corner is very large, but everything is really just piling up. (And I made it worse today! I'll have a plan one day. I'm sure that plan will include getting rid of 4 snow shovels and 2 snow brushes.) |
I didn't want to line anything up along the other wall because when cars are in the garage, I like for access to this door to stay unblocked. |
I swept (and used the blower) twice. It was so full of leaves and litter from the cats' boxes. I sure wish they could just live outside 24 hours a day, but there are too many predators out there. We think we heard a coyote howling nearby the other night. They would love one of our beloved kitties for a snack.
Shifted everything to the right. |
Not fancy shelving, but it's what we have and it's a great start. Maybe one day I could talk my dad into building me some awesome shelves like he did in Maryland. I'd like these to be twice as big - it would take some serious time and lumber! |
I have to do something with that corner. Starting with storing the Christmas tree better than it is. Where on earth do you buy 6 foot containers to store them? |
How is that door so dirty when we've only lived here 8 months? |
I cleared Kara's scooters, the brooms, and the folding chairs. Michael loves wide open space by doors. I think he'll notice this right away. |
While I'm all sweaty and gross, I think I'll mop the floor and make dinner. Cleaning and organizing are my happy places. :-)