Michael helped me put the patio furniture together today. We cranked the radio, enjoyed the warm weather (I was actually hot), and got to work on the rest of the pieces.
It was fun to watch the fog clear up when it clears from the top of the mountain, down.
Michael stood on the ground, using the porch as a work
bench to save his back. I think it helped. I just sat on the
porch, which was, thankfully, shaded from the sun. |
So many boxes. So many parts. |
It came with these red pillows, but I really
want to keep a neutral palette out front. |
In the city, we would drive the trash to the
dump. Here in the country, we burn it!
Here's the inaugural event of our new
fire pit. |
The kitties were wondering what on earth
we were doing. We usually have outdoor
fires when it is dark and they are in the
garage for the night. |
Kara came to see the big flames. |
It's so warm. These babies with THICK winter fur need
to spread on the concrete to stay cool. |
All burned. Let's see the final results!
In front of Michael's office windows. I have the couch up
against the wall instead of up against the windows so it
doesn't block his view. |
This blocks the view from the dining room. I may move
these. |
On the couch, looking at the chairs.
Can a porch be too big? My answer is no. |
View from the couch. Fog is gone. :-) |
View from the chairs. |
A job well done! It was nice to have Michael's help. I'd say it took 3 hours the other day, and 3 more hours today. That times two people means 12 hours of work. Whoa.
I got this picture from Facebook. It is
my inspiration for the front porch.
I'd say all I need now is outdoor rugs,
some plants, and maybe hang some
things on the walls. One step at a time! |
As far as the white cushions, I'm planning to buy sheets/towels to pin and make my own homemade slip covers. I don't want to stress over these getting dirty or cat fur covered!
We have been enjoying warm weather, so we are doing school outside with the kitties again. I love it! The calendar says January, but it feels like April/May.
Shiloh is KARA's cat. They adore each other. |
Wet paw prints. |
Shadow is my buddy. He loves to be
pet for about 10 minutes, then he is done.
I'm so good with that. |
Shiloh will stay as long as Kara wants. |
Aw. She is resting her chin on Kara's hip. |
I am reading The Broken Way for a January Bible study I am doing. I really don't like the way she writes, but she has good things to say. I took a picture of this paragraph because it was so good.
One of my all time life changing Bible studies was on
covenants. What they are, how many are in the Bible,
and the absolute seriousness they require. Beautiful. |
Well, we are done reading all of the Harry Potter books and we are watching the very last movie as a family.
And that's our Saturday! Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.