Wednesday, January 25

Today was a long, good day.  I did about a weeks worth of things in one day.  It all started with getting up when the sun did.  The benefit - I got to see this.  WOW.

Then I went to the morning Women's Bible study at 7:30 (ouch!) to introduce myself to the ladies and let them know I am one of the Women's Ministry leaders.  I found some old friends I've missed and met some new ones.  Now I joined the class and will go every week.  I have such a heart for these ladies!

When I got home at 9:30, it was time for Kara's school.  She did pretty poorly on math.  She understood all of the concepts - especially the hard stuff.  Because she rushed through it, she got dumb questions wrong like 14-7.  She can do all kinds of algebra, but got simple subtraction wrong.  I gave her the 78% for today's classwork, but since she rushed, I gave her extra homework.  Since our day was so full, I made her teach me all the concepts of math we have studied over the last month or so, but I acted like a student who didn't understand.  I had her stand at the white board and instruct me while I raised my hand and said, "it doesn't make sense.  Please explain it to me."  I think she's good now.  I will just work on what to do to not let her rush through it or not day dream either.

We went to horse lessons at 11:30.  Lisa said, "we're going to do some bigger jumps today!"  So exciting.  Kara is excited, not intimidated.  I'm so proud of that girl.

The black kitty at the barn likes to sit on
your shoulder like a little parrot.  She purred
her head off and I wasn't even petting her.

Here she is doing the superman thing.  (When she gets up on two point while the horse canters, she stays in one place and looks like superman to me.)

Here she is doing a big girl jump.  Wow!

She is an incredible young lady.

After horse lessons, I took Kara to McDonalds for lunch, which is her favorite and is where we sit and share stuff.  It reminds me of the grilled cheese lunches I used to have with my dad.  :-)

Then we mailed some packages at the post office and headed home to finish school.

Shiloh missed Kara this weekend and wanted to be with her during school.

She's a pretty girl!

Kara, you're disturbing my nap.

I would be offended by you asking me to hold your eraser,
but I'm too tired and love you too much.

Now it's time for baking some goodies, and making dinner, before we head to Wednesday night Bible study - the one I teach.  It's the first day and I'm looking forward to starting a study on boundaries!  Update:  I undercooked the monster cookie bars and brought them anyway.  (Something I wouldn't have done before - I felt like I failed at that recipe.)  I just went with it and told them to eat around the edges.  I ended up bringing home the pan full of edges - everyone wanted the gooey center!  I'm sure there's a life lesson in there somewhere.  ;-)

For those who are wondering, Michael started his new job and is really liking it so far.  It's early on, so he gets to just write code most of the day.  Not too many meetings yet.  He has been in such a good mood and so willing to help, visit, go for walks, etc.  So cheerful!

One more thing - they guys came back today and took away the log pile in the back yard.  I caught Michael looking at it all cleared off at least twice just this afternoon.
