Wednesday, Jan 11

Thanks to the ENT, my ear is much better.  He used a microscope and scraped my eardrum clean.  It's delightful to be able to hear properly again.  I looked at the calendar, and I've been messing with this for almost a month.  What a relief!  My ear is still recovering from the eardrum cleaning, and I can't get my ear wet in the shower, but hopefully there will be less for him to clean next week when I go back for a follow up.

School is still going well.  Every time I go to sit with Kara during school, something comes up.  Yes, Lord, I hear you.  Kara is surprising me with her responsibility and starts school on her own without needed to be reminded, and does really well.  Something I noticed is she rushes through it a bit more. Either that or she day dreams when she is supposed to do math and it takes too long.  I think all of this is normal at her age, I just need to encourage her to try her best.  If her best is Cs, I'll be perfectly fine with that.  But her best is As and Bs, I know it.

Kara's horse lessons were postponed until tomorrow, so I took her to get her hair trimmed.  They took about 3 inches off, so I hope it's easier to brush through.  She has a trip to MD planned without me (her Christmas present - plane tickets to spend the weekend with her best friend), and just thinking about another mom having to get through Kara's hair twice a day makes me feel sorry for her!  Anyway, hopefully this haircut will help.

While we were getting Kara's haircut, I let her speak for herself - something I have been trying really hard to do.  Even though she is 10, she looks 12.  She really doesn't need me speaking for her like she is 4.  So, I had her sign in (with help) and plan to have her do it alone while I just stand there from now on.  I also sat in the front waiting area while she got her hair cut alone.  After all, that's what you would do with your teenager, right?

Her new chore is washing the dinner dishes.  She does a pretty good job, and I'm enjoying the help.  She is going through a big responsibility phase right now and I'm so proud of her.

After the haircut and before dinner, I had two hours to myself.  I did some cleaning, laundry, and paid some bills.  Try not to be jealous of my glamorous life.  ;-)  I do like it though.  I am listening to my audiobook while I do it to make it fun.

The weather is back to warm.  The 10 day forecast has the weather between 60 and 70 every day.  Very nice!  I'd say 50s is average, so this is a bit warm.  It's so nice to wear flip flops and no jacket in January.

Tonight I'm making one of Michael's favorite meals - pot roast in the crock pot with mashed potatoes (ugh), green beans (yay), and dinner rolls (yum).  I always feel like it will be a good day when I am making a crowd pleasing dinner.  Well, Michael's the only crowd I care to please.  :-)


Vicky said…
My sentiments, exactly! As long as Tim is happy with the meal, I'm happy! :D