My Boss Is Out Of Town

Today I drove my mom to the airport so she could head back home to Florida, and she took Kara with her!  She used to keep Kara all the time when we were in Maryland, but since we've lived here (since August) Kara has been with me all the time.  Now it feels kind of weird for her to be gone!

So, what have I been doing with this "free" time?  On my way home,

Chicken truck!
I got myself some Chick Fil A for lunch, then caught up on my bills and Bible studies, then washed the sheets my mom slept on.

While I was upstairs, I moved Kara's bed around.  You see, she is afraid of the dark and prefers her bed to be against the wall so she can put her back to the wall in the dark while she sleeps.  As she is getting older, she is getting over it (through prayer - bless her sweet little heart).  And, in a few short months, we'll be in the new house and her bed is in the middle of the room, not against the wall.

So, I moved her bed to the middle of the room as a sort of 'training wheels' for her bed in the new house.  That came with vacuuming and rearranging bedside tables.

Now I am relaxing with my full DVR watching my favorite shows.

Not very exciting, but Kara's vacation with my mom means a vacation here for me!  I already have plans with friends, plans to buy my countertops, plans to buy my hearth, and plans to get a jump start on packing boxes.  Not to mention this bronchitis is lingering and I need to REST in there somewhere!

Meanwhile, when they got to sunny Florida, they made a bee-line for the pool.

Then it was time for scooter while wearing her bathing suit and sneakers (which, by the way, is a look only she can pull off!).

Then it was movie time!

Thank you Grandma for the pictures.  Send more.  :-)
