Septic, Mantle, and a Baby

I haven't posted in a while!  Let me catch you up:

Saturday I drove to right near Tuscaloosa to meet Merideth and her family at a campground.  While I was there, I got to meet Merideth's sweet new baby boy.  Oh my goodness.  One month old and so precious!

On the drive down there, I was feeling emotional and overwhelmed with gratitude for being able to live here in Alabama.  Something about me - spirit, soul, I don't know what the right word is - is at peace.  This thing I have felt drawn to for so long like a nagging need for something, has been satisfied.  The peace is like a relief.  I know this sounds weird.  It's so hard to describe.  I think this is the feeling of being in the Lord's will.  Not that I was necessarily out of His will before, but it was lining up to this.

Driving down the beautiful country roads on my
way to see my friends.

A bunch of nothing on the sides of the road.
Chicken coops, horses, cows, donkeys, sheep.
That's about it.  And for some reason it delights me
so much I can't even explain it.

Here I am meeting the little guy!  His name is Walt,
short for Walter.  He is so precious!

He sleeps so much.  Good old 1 month olds.

On the drive home, I tried not to be distracted by all the amazing stars in the sky.  I wonder how long I'll live here before they don't fascinate me.  Hopefully it'll never stop.  In Maryland we were too close to the cities, so I could never see more than about 10 stars.  Here it's more like a hundred.  I know out west it's more like a thousand, but I'm just so happy to see so many here.

After that great day, I went to bed early so I could get up early for church.
Sunday was Sunday school, church, lunch, taking Michael to see the house, bridge, and another early bedtime.  Getting up early for Sunday school gets me every time!

Monday I met a friend for lunch.  We tried a new Italian/Greek place that I fell in love with.  I'm definitely taking my parents there while they're here.  (Since we lived in Greece when I was little, we all like Greek food.)

After lunch, I took my friend to see our house since we've been talking about it since we met back in August.

There I saw a crew digging to install the septic tank.  Yay!  I'll refrain from the poop jokes, but just know I'm super immature and have a bunch of them ready.

The sweet contractors temporarily hung this for me so
I could double check the colors of this light fixture.

Awesome.  I like it, so now I can order
five more.

We also saw that 200+ year old mantle hung.
I love it!  Because it's so old, it is thought to have
been carved by Cherokee Indians.  Also, it was
believed to have been originally in John Gunter's
house.  Gunter, as in Guntersville.  Cool, huh?!

Monday I also worked a bit on lesson plans, washed my car, got the oil changed, swept and vacuumed the first floor, went to a finance meeting at church, and made a delicious steak dinner, which Michael loved.

Today is Tuesday and I am working on more lesson plans, laundry, packing, grocery shopping for Michael for while I'm gone, making breakfasts for him, and running a few more errands around town.  Oh!  My cabinetry plans are ready for me to pick up so I'll post those right below here later this afternoon.

P.S.  I have to brag just a bit on Alabama's weather.  It turns out, a winter in Alabama is just like spring in Maryland.  I am in love with southern winters.  Daffodils have been blooming since February.  Trees are covered in bright pink flowers.  Those that aren't are covered in buds.  I think spring here in Alabama will be like May in Maryland, which is absolutely beautiful.  I am enjoying it now before the real heat sets in!  For now I'm in t-shirts, jeans, and flip flops.  Just wondering how soon I can get the shorts out - I'm hot when it's 75 degrees!


Vicky said…
That's a great picture of you with the little guy!
It is hard for me to distinguish what the mantle looks like, but I know it has to be beautiful and WHAT a history behind it!