Journal Entry - 2 months out

We are about 2 months from moving into our new house.  We are talking with banks about construction loans, keeping the mortgage in mind, which will be set up in two short months.  I am packing boxes.  I am running around picking tons of finishes out for the house.  And I still need to homeschool and do my regular stuff to keep the house running.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm busy.  It will make this time go by faster and we will be moving into our house in no time.  I was really disappointed I had to leave Florida early though.  You see, my sister and Tony left on Monday, and Tuesday was spent on the phone with bank after bank after lawyer after bank.  My to do list was piling up.  Not to mention the list of things I had to do for our taxes, which are extremely complicated this year because we sold the company.  By Tuesday afternoon I was so tired and not feeling like I was relaxed and on vacation anymore.  Kara had been there over two weeks and even though she didn't want to leave, she was done doing all the Florida things she wanted to do.  She was reading, playing on her computer, and riding her scooter.  We can do that at home, so I made the grown up decision to leave early.  And it bummed us all out.

But I'm glad we came home because this is all I was able to accomplish:
pay bills that were sitting on the counter
decide once and for all which bank we are going with for the loan/mortgage
call Maryland lawyer about land loan being in trust's name
meet the contractor at the house for two hours
meet with our friends who we haven't seen in a long time
dinner and a tv show date with Michael
do two loads of laundry
complete all the things I needed to do for taxes
sign paperwork electronically to get loan/mortgage started

find local lawyer to help us with taking the land loan out of the trust's name
set up appointment for Monday afternoon with that lawyer
drive to GA to pick out countertops (I'm nervous about the kitchen one!)
sit in traffic in GA on the way home
made it to the gas station on fumes because I needed a Shell station and I wanted to use up my gift card  :-)
met with the stamped concrete guy at the house
met with Chris and Bert at the house for random things I needed to talk with them both about
made dinner
emailed Bert about the budget
did dishes
tv date with Michael

I am feeling so good about the things I was able to cross off my lists.  Now I just need to go to the grocery store, cook more, pack boxes, get ready for 6th grade next week, clean the floors, clean the bathrooms, etc.  I need a wife!

God had me rest this fall and most of this winter.  I spent the fall deep cleaning the house, and just relaxing really.  (Besides homeschool and running the house stuff.)  I was able to get my thoughts in order after the big move, and settle in down here.  I was able to take many trips to visit friends and family.  This winter I spent the last 6+ weeks dealing with bronchitis.  I spent an entire week straight in bed, plus many days here and there.  I am just about over it now, but that time was spent organizing my thoughts for the next move - packing lists and organized a giant moving spreadsheet.  I ordered curriculum for 6th grade and organized my thoughts about that.  Now, I don't need to deep clean the house until we move.  I don't need to feel overwhelmed about packing - I know that if I do 5-10 boxes a week, I'll be in great shape.  I know what to pack first and in what order and which box!  (I'm just reusing our old boxes, which are already labeled.)  We start 6th grade on Monday and I am ready because I spent a lot of time familiarizing myself with the material.

I have a long shopping list I need to do for the house asap, but I think as long as I do it all by the end of next week, I'm fine.  Today is Saturday and I really need to go to the grocery store, plan some meals, do a little bit more lesson plans, and work on Bible study.  Maybe I'll clean toilets and sweep the floor too.

One thing at a time.  Staying busy.  Focusing on one day at a time.  Grateful for my health so I can do so much.  Grateful for these contractors who are so nice it makes everything fun.  Grateful for homeschool - this life is so perfect for us.  Grateful for Michael working at home - all three of us love it.  Staying busy helps me not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Our move in date slipped from May 1st to mid May.  But, I saw that coming, so I just think it's more time to pack boxes.  I really hope it doesn't slip to June 1st.  But if it does, it does.  What is a month or two compared to all the years we will live there, Lord willing.
