Front of the House

While I love a pretty landscaped yard, I am not willing to put any effort into it.  I spend all my time keeping up with the inside of the house, so the outside has to take care of itself, or we have to hire out help.  So, my yard generally is generic and can quickly get out of control and look sloppy.  That said, spring is the time the yard looks it's best, so I took several pictures of the outside of the house for when we put the house on the market.  Let me know which is your favorite.

This one is my second favorite.

This one is my favorite.
I just have to photoshop out the truck.
Now, no matter what the season is that we put the house on the market, I have good outdoor pictures. :-)


Vicky said…
I think I agree with you. Are you going to need pictures of the back of the house?
jeday0323 said…
That is a great question! I probably will. Hmmm, I need to get the lawn service back up and running so I can get a good picture of the back before it's that time of year when the grass burns out. :-)