Day 4 - Drive home

Our friends wanted to hike all day Sunday.  Since we check out of the hotel (where our shower is) at 11am, I wasn't up for hiking.  I also had an 11 hour trip ahead of me that was bearing down on my shoulders.  Not to mention at 9am when we were loading up the truck, it was sweaty hot!  So, we left first thing and drove the whole way home in one trip.

There was 40 whole minutes where we just sat still because of an emergency they needed to close the highway for.  There was about 30 minutes where we went an average of 30 mph.  There was another 5 minutes where we just sat still.  Now I know not to drive home on a Sunday.

Other than that, it was a nice day, a nice drive, and my sweet family of 3 are all much happier driving than we are flying.

We left at 9am, central time.  We pulled into our driveway around 9pm, eastern time.  That's 11 hours, including the hour or so wasted in traffic.  Wow!  Not bad!

Here are the stats from when we left the house Thursday morning:

We unloaded the truck in no time and were getting ready for bed.  Michael decided to go ahead and go into work Monday morning, so we were as quiet as we could be for him.

Kara asked if she could sleep in our room (which she usually does after she has been sleeping with us in our hotel rooms for a while).  She still sleeps on the pillow pallet Michael's mom made her, on the floor next to my side of the bed.  She loves that thing and always sleeps really well on it!  Here she is reading before she fell asleep - nice and clean and snuggled in her feety pjs.  It's COLD here in Maryland!


Vicky said…
AWWW! It makes me so happy to hear she still loves sleeping on the pillow pallet! They were probably the BEST Christmas gifts I ever gave all the grands!